Mar 07 2016

We make your healthcare work

NOP Telemedicine, powered by Any Doctor, exists to take the hassle out of healthcare. Our Advisors are available to members to handle a wide array of services and needs. From questions about insurance claims to cost estimates, the confusing issues of medical billing to eldercare and Medicare, wondering about what physician to use or what hospital to go to, they can do it all for you.

Our team of Advisors offer personalized, caring, expert service; helping members navigate the complex and expensive healthcare maze. With services from Healthcare Navigation to Medical Bill Negotiation to Surgery Cost Saver to Chaplaincy, we will sort through your healthcare paperwork saving you time and money.

We're here for you. For any healthcare issue; any time.

Specialty Services Include:

  • MDLive – 24/7/365 on-demand access to quality doctors. Anytime. Anywhere.
  • Medical bill mediation and negotiation – Advisors will work with healthcare providers to help reduce medical bills.
  • Surgery Saver – Advisors will provide a cost, quality and availability comparison of health care facilities in your area for your surgical procedure.

ANY DOCTOR Advisors will help you:

  • Find quality physicians, specialists and surgeons in your area.
  • Find alternative care in areas such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Homeopathic and Naturopathic.
  • Uncover various research studies, tests and experimental health care protocols in which you may qualify to participate.
  • Organize the seamless transfer of your medical records between providers to ensure your physician is working with the most current and accurate information.
  • Schedule your primary care and specialist visits, labs, imaging, flu shots and more - all on your schedule and at your convenience.
  • Clarify your health insurance benefits, as well as help resolve issues and expedite solutions.
  • Understand how legislation will impact you and any actions you might need to takewith Elder Care Solutions.
  • Get answers and direction from on-staff Chaplains.

Your WellCard Offers Additional Benefits

In today's world, most families are scrambling to pay for the countless of out-of-pocket healthcare expenses they face. WellCard Savings is pleased to provide you access to a variety of programs and services designed to STRETCH the value of each of your healthcare expenditures. As a member, you are empowered with choices which can positively impact the quality of your day-to-day life.

Specialty Services Include:

  • Dental Discount Plan – Save an average of 20% to 50% off almost all standard dentist fees from thousands of credentialed dentists.
  • Vision Care – Nationwide vision care discount network consisting of over 10,500 providers including both private practice providers and optical retailers such as Sears Optical, JC Penney Optical, Target Optical, LensCrafters, Eye Masters, For Eyes Optical, WalMart Vision and most Pearle Vision locations.
  • Hearing Care – Free annual hearing screening for hearing loss, what type of hearing loss and the potential need for medical attention.
  • Over the Counter Vitamins – Not only can you get all of your vitamin and mineral supplements, you can also order items traditionally available at your local drugstore.
  • Cash Rewards – The WellCard Savings Rewards is a free program designed to help you save and pay for your healthcare expenses simply by providing cash rewards for your everyday purchases made through our network of merchants.
  • Entertainment Benefits – Get access to exclusive discounts, special offers, access to preferred seating, tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels, rental cars and much more.
  • Daily Living Products – Our partner offer a wide selection of assistive daily living aids at guaranteed low prices.


At participating providers, you will be billed at the time of service, and they will apply the applicable discounts to that bill. In no instance can the Plan make payments directly to the provider on your behalf.

Your participation in the Plan will continue from month to month for as long as the Plan exists and as long as you retain your ID card.

The Plan may terminate its services and discounts at any time. You will not be notified of such termination but it will be posted on

MARYLAND RESIDENTS Discounts for hospital services, if any, are not applicable in Maryland

TEXAS RESIDENTS Note to Texas Consumers: Regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 12157 Austin Texas 78711: telephone 1-800-252-3439 or (512) 463-6515; website:

UTAH RESIDENTS These programs are not covered by the Utah Health Insurance Guarantee Act.

WEST VIRGINIA RESIDENTS If after receiving our response and you are not satisfied with the resolution you may write of call: West Virginia Insurance Commissioner

This plan is not available in the following states AK, MT, and VT. This is not a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program.

Apr 01 2013
Q: How does NOP Card differ from a traditional health plan?
A: This is NOT health insurance. This is a discount plan which provides savings on a wide range of health care services. Members pay a discounted rate for many services for which they would otherwise pay full price.

Q: Can I choose my provider?
A: Yes. Members may choose from a nationwide network of more than 500,000 practitioners, facilities, retail chains and online providers.

Q: How do I save money with this plan?
A: You have access to providers and services at a discounted rate. You may save anywhere from 5-50% on services which would normally cost you out of pocket.

Q: Do I get a membership card?
A: Yes. You will receive a member ID card which you will need to present to providers (along with your discount confirmation) at the time of service.

Q: How do I access NOP Card?
A: You may call the toll-free Customer Care number on your membership card where an advisor can help you find providers, compare and confirm provider rate or you may access the provider and service list via the internet .

Q: Is my family covered under this plan?
A: Yes. The plan provides for you, your spouse and your dependent children. Long-term care savings apply to parents, in-laws and grandparents.

Q: When can I call NurseLine?
A: You may call and speak to a nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling the Customer Care number on your card and choose Option #2. Calls are free and confidential.
Jun 06 2012

Your Free National RX Card

(Front & Back)

<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form"> <div style="text-align:center" align="center"> <input value="Click Here To Print Your FREE RX Cards" onClick="myprint()" type="submit" > div> form>
IMPORTANT: You will need to take this card with you to the pharmacy in order to receive a discount of up to 75% off the cost of your prescription medications.

INSTRUCTIONS: To Print Your Free National RX Card, CLICK the button above. If that does not work for your PC, RIGHT CLICK on each individual image above and choose the PRINT PICTURE function, or simply press CTRL P on your keyboard to print both cards.

Laminating the card makes it easy to use the card over and over again!

To find participating pharmacy locations in your city - Click Here

May 30 2012
This is just an example blog page that shows how you can add content and blog entries very easily. All you have to do is type in your entries and it will show up in your content area for JEM.

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.